How to join
Are you a student interested in our research? You are welcome any time...
We offer lectures focused on specific areas not covered in regular courses, Bachelor's and Master's thesis supervision on individually agreed topics reflecting your interests, and active participation in our research. Perspective Ph.D. students are especially welcome!
Formela seminars
A series of regular weekly seminars where the lecturer or a selected student presents a designated part of the study material. The presentation is interleaved with discussions aimed at testing/improving the understanding of the material by the participants.
Thesis supervision
We offer topics for Bachelor's and Master's thesis in areas related to our research. Contact one of our staff members, explain your preferences and start working on the problem identified jointly with your supervisor.
Joining our research
If you wish to join our research or you think about doing your Ph.D. with us, a demanding thesis proposal is an excellent start. Our research involves both theory and programming, and we find something for everyone.